Bariatric Surgery in Las Vegas, Nevada
The Surgical Weight Control Center in Las Vegas, NV is here to help you reshape your tomorrow. We believe that everyone deserves to live their happiest and healthiest lives, and are committed to seeing those visions become reality. We partner with West Henderson Hospital to provide you award-winning service, with friendly and accomplished staff. Surgery can be daunting, and we want to give you peace of mind that you’re in good hands here at SWCC when it comes to your weight loss surgery.
Helping You Reshape Your Tomorrow
Weight loss surgery can not only help transform your physical well-being, but your mental health as well. These transformations in people’s overall quality of life are why we do what we do. For years, The Surgical Weight Control Center has been helping people in the Las Vegas, NV area achieve their weight loss goals. We offer three different weight loss solutions, which our experts will help you navigate through to determine which is the best choice for your goals.
Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy
The laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy procedure is a minimally invasive procedure. It surgically decreases the size of the stomach by removing parts of it. These types of restrictive procedures can be helpful for those who may struggle with binge eating or food addiction. With this type of procedure, you’ll feel fuller faster, and may be put on a slightly restrictive diet to increase the effectiveness of the procedure.
Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass
As the name suggests, gastric bypass is designed to have food bypass the stomach, and go straight to the middle section of your small intestine. This helps limit calorie absorption from food. Furthermore, by bypassing the stomach, the amount of food storage your body has is limited, designed to make you feel fuller faster and stay full longer. Our laparoscopic approach to gastric bypass makes this a minimally invasive surgery, with quicker recovery times.
Gastric Band System
A gastric band system is another restrictive measure that adds an adjustable band around the stomach, designed to help limit the amount of food it can hold. This procedure is the least invasive of all our offered weight loss surgeries and, with a strong commitment to a healthy lifestyle, can be the most effective treatment for some patients.
Not all weight loss surgeries are the same, and it’s important to talk to your healthcare provider about which type of surgery is right for you.
Many types of people with a variety of lifestyles may be eligible for weight loss surgery, depending on their health history and needs. If you live in the Las Vegas area, check out the Weight Loss Surgery Assessment to see if you’re a candidate for one of these surgeries.
Why Choose Surgical Weight Control Center in Las Vegas, NV
Not only do we help you on your path to achieve your weight loss goals, but we’re here for you after too. Every month, our support groups cover different topics, to cater to those in the Las Vegas area. These groups can provide an opportunity to connect with others in your community who have experienced weight loss surgery. Whether you’ve had weight loss surgery at our center or not, we invite all community members to engage in our group and find the support that they need.
Individual results may vary. There are risks associated with any surgical procedure. Talk with your doctor about these risks to find out if minimally invasive bariatric surgery is right for you.